Real Estate November 15, 2018

Windermere Foundation to Donate $25,000 to California Community Foundation Wildfire Relief Fund


Like much of the nation, we’ve been heartbroken by the horrifying images and statistics rolling in as California suffers from the worst wildfires in the state’s history. For our staff, agents, and franchise owners who live and work in the affected areas, it’s a threat to their clients, their families, and their communities. Everything that Windermere is is thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team, and #WeAreWindermere is a mantra we hold to in good times and in bad. It is for that reason that the Windermere Foundation is donating $25,000 to the California Community Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund. 

The California Community Foundation (CCF) has over a century of experience supporting communities throughout California, with a stellar reputation for putting donations directly towards the causes they support. In 2003, the CCF created their Wildfire Relief Fund, and have raised over $5 million to help victims of wildfires rebuild. The CCF’s Wildfire Relief Fund puts their efforts towards “those who were displaced or lost housing, belongings and/or employment, or suffered physical or mental health problems,” as well as helping to rebuild homes, providing case management services, basic needs assistance, mental health services, provided respiratory equipment, and much more.

We’re proud to support the CCF’s Wildfire Relief Fund and hope you will consider doing the same. You can donate by visiting their site here.